Ways to casually talk about your FitBit

Physical fitness is important. If you're in any way committed to your personal physical health, you probably own a FitBit. Right?
Of course, everyone around you already knows the answer to this is 'yes,' because you've probably told them all about it.
One of the side-effects of wearing a FitBit is that once you've put it on, you won't be able to stop telling people about its life-changing effects, its handy tools-at-your-fingertips, or just the fact that it exists and you own one. If you're stumped for ways to talk about your FitBit, here are some creative examples of ways to casually stumble upon the topic within your everyday conversations.
Exclaim 'FitBit!' in moments of silence
If there's anything that people find unnerving, it's palpable silence due to not knowing what to say. Not only does screaming "FitBit!" in those deafening silences remedy the problem of feeling too awkward to know what to say to one another, it also brings up the only thing worth talking about: your FitBit.
Start referring to yourself as 'We' meaning 'Me and my fitbit'
Using "We" statements is a great way to prompt friends and acquaintances to ask, "Who's we?" Once they ask, you're simply obligated to bring up your FitBit. That's just conversational etiquette.
Remind your friends and family that your moods are elevated because of your optimal sleep patterns and good cardiovascular health.
A very normal and acceptable thing that Healthy People do is to cartwheel into every room with a huge smile, declaring how happy and calm they've been feeling since they started exercising. It's a popular part of Fitness Culture to remind everyone that you've been active and that you will continue to be active for the foreseeable future.
Ask questions of your friends that require using your FitBit to answer.
"What's the best way to monitor how many calories you're burning daily?" "You know how to effectively monitor your heart rate?" and "...............FitBit?" are all questions that can be answered by naming or using your fitbit.
Start a chant!
There is no more casual way to bring up a topic than to start a chant about it. Punctuate your sentences with "When I say FIT, you say…" and if Sandra in Accounting doesn't know how to answer, motion to your wrist until she gets the hint. Repeat chant as needed, any time you feel the conversation veering away from how many steps you've taken today.
Prance on the spot
Nobody will feel weird about this. Everyone prances on the spot, and if they don't, then their cardiovascular health is obviously not a priority.
Now that you're equipped with some useful tools to discuss your new wrist accessory, go forth and spread the word about your FitBit. Afterall, you paid a considerable amount for this thing, the best way to get your money's worth is by making sure you never talk about anything else.
By the way, have I mentioned lately how much I love my FitBit?
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