White guy at Oscar party REALLY wants you to know he saw 'Moonlight'

BASEMENT APARTMENT, OTTAWA—On Sunday, Ottawa couple Susan and Claire threw their annual Oscar party. They printed out Oscar ballots, put out snacks, and invited everyone they knew, including Colin. Who saw Moonlight.
"I mean, it wasn't just the best movie I've seen all year, but my entire life. Have you seen it? Oh, you have to."
Colin Chambers, a third-year English Literature undergrad, says he couldn't wait to see it after seeing the trailer. The trailer for Moonlight. Which he saw.
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"I was in the theatre for Fences when I saw the trailer," he explains. "I haven't gotten chills like that since seeing the trailer for Straight Outta Compton, which was the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Have you seen it? Oh, you have to."
Colin shares that he has seen a lot of the Oscar movies nominated for Best Picture this year. Like Moonlight.
"I actually planned out my weekends to make sure I wouldn't miss any before the Academy Awards," said Colin, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "I keep a schedule on my pho – oh, check it out, my ticket stub for Hidden Figures. Oh man, THAT was a great movie. Did you see it? Oh… you have to."
Colin wasn't the only one at the party who saw Moonlight.
"I saw it," said Claire. "Yeah, it was pretty good."
Colin explains that he felt very connected to Moonlight, which he saw not just once, but twice.
"I just got it, you know? I grew up in a broken family," he shares while texting on his iPhone. "I remember that first year with two Christmases… that was brutal."
"It was just such a universal story: a young, black man growing up gay in the inner city. It doesn't MATTER if you're gay, straight, black, or white. I feel like anyone – you, me – can watch Moonlight and connect to it. I know can't speak for Susan or Claire, but I know I connected to it."
"What was my favourite part? When he was black AND gay. Beautiful."
According to an informal poll taken at the party, almost everyone has seen Moonlight, with the exception of Jamal.
"Nah, I didn't see it yet," he says. "But did you see La La Land? That was awesome."
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