Woman will not stop shrieking in all caps on social media about how introverted she is

TORONTO, ON—Friends, family, and vague acquaintances of Sadie Wentworth, 33, report that as of this morning, they're officially sick and tired of the poet and aquarium tour guide's incessant Facebook posts yelling about just how introverted she is.
"They're always in all-caps. She'll post articles about introversion with comments like, 'THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS'," sighs Asher Graham, Wentworth's long-time – actually, no one's super clear on how the two know each other, including the two themselves.
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This morning at 6:02 am, Wentworth posted a colourful and humourous flowchart entitled "How to talk to an introvert" and included the comment, "THIS IS WHO I AM RESPECT ME RESPECT THE WAY I WORK RESPECT EVERYTHING ABOUT ME OMG COULD I POSSIBLY BE ANY MORE INTROVERTED?????? LOL"
Last night around midnight, she posted a New Scientist study about how introverts tend to approach dating with the comment "THIS IS THE ME-EST THING THAT WAS EVER WRITTEN ON THE ENTIRE FACE OF THE EARTH ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS THIS IS ME."
A brief scroll through Wentworth's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and four different blogs reveal that the entirety of her social media presence involves screaming at her audience about just how profound and unshakeable her introversion is.
For a moment we thought this pattern might have been interrupted by a strikingly beautiful photo on Wentworth's Pinterest page, in which she's standing atop a barn at sunset, but tragically, the caption suggested otherwise: "SHOUTIN' IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS: I'M. AN. INTROVERT!!!!!!!"
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