Women's magazine, men's magazine both deeply concerned about male pleasure

Maybe men and women aren't so different after all!
In a truly inspiring display of shared values and common ground, Real Man magazine and Lady Life magazine have each devoted the majority of their respective pages to the issue of male sexual pleasure, specifically: what is it, what causes it, what fails to cause it, and how women should behave, dress, speak, smell, eat, think, laugh, dance, cook, sleep, Rollerblade, paint, swim, crouch, fight forest fires, and moonwalk in such a way that is maximally pleasing to men.
Real Man's editor-in-chief Asher Benton explains, "Our magazine aims to ask one simple question: what do men want, and how can women be better at giving it to them?"
Adds Lady Life editor Felicity Jacques, "Whereas our magazine aims to ask one simple question: what do men want, and how can women be better at giving it to them?"
While the two publications are frequently aligned in their beautifully united mission, media critics are applauding both of their September issues for their particularly close alignment of values.
Articles from the September issue of Real Man include:
- 15 Women In Ferret Fur Vests Sitting On Hot Car Hoods
- DATING NIGHTMARE: I Was With A Woman Who Didn't Wax Each Of Her Individual Red Blood Cells
- WE ASKED, YOU ANSWERED: What Kind Of Bangs Do Guys Like On Women?
Articles from the September issue of Lady Life include:
- 15 Ferret Fur Vests That Will Make His Brain Explode With Desire
- How To Remove Unsightly Hair From Each Individual Red Blood Cell
- WE ASKED 1,912 MEN: What Kind Of Bangs Do Guys Like On Women?
"When men and women can join forces like this in pursuit of a common objective, it gives me hope for a better world," explains a tearful University of Toronto professor of Media Studies Kathleen Frisk.
"It's such a lovely give-and-take, a call-and-response. The men's mags display all the glossy pages of swimsuit models, and then the women's mags offer up hundreds of articles each month on how you're failing to look like a swimsuit model. What a perfect symbiosis. It's just so inspiring. I'm getting a bit emotional here, sorry!"
Frisk was last seen reaching for a tissue but rushing into the alley behind her office to use it, thanks to a recent article she read, "51 Ways To Look Smokin' Hot While You Cry".
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