Watch a modern home get a '90s pine-and-plaid makeover
The '90s was a great decade for wood
The '90s was a great decade for wood.
CBC Life ·
Home Transformation: From modern day to 1990s
7 years ago
Duration 0:36
The 1990s was all about homey comfort — and pine cabinetry, of course. That's what the Campus family finds when they step into their house, newly transformed to fit the style of the '90s.
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The 1990s was the decade of cocooning and at-home entertaining. The home became both a showpiece and a refuge from an increasingly complex world.
Also, people got really excited about wood again.
The 1990s was almost certainly the plaid-est decade of the 20th Century. (Dale Wilcox Photography/DWP)
The '90s rivalled the 1970s for the title of "most wood-intensive decade" of the experiment. (Dale Wilcox Photography/DWP)
Seriously, look how pine everything is! And also, more plaid. (Dale Wilcox Photography/DWP)
In the 1990s, Martha Stewart convinced everyone they had to throw fancy at-home dinner parties — like they were Martha Stewart. (3Bird Media)
Fact: Salsa was the '90s most popular condiment. And with good reason. Salsa is delicious. (3Bird Media)
Aaron's mind is currently being blown by the futuristic design of that iMac. (Dale Wilcox Photography/DWP)
DIY winemaking was a hot trend in the '90s. Another popular trend was trying to smile your way through a glass of your uncle's homemade merlot while looking for a houseplant to dump the rest of the glass into. (3Bird Media)