Your horoscope for the week ahead: A Full Moon in spiritual Pisces makes us look inward
Mars going retrograde this week will help you in your quest for truth

As we enter the month of September, some important astrological shifts will come into play. This is the season of the mutable sign of Virgo. In the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures are cooling, the days are getting shorter, and we find ourselves making preparations for the future as we take stock of what's been accomplished since June's Summer Solstice.
Virgo is the Sign of Nature. It's time to appreciate all her bountiful gifts that give us sustenance. The wind and cooling temperatures somehow have a magical healing effect on us emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
The 29.5-day Lunar Month will reach a climax with Wednesday's Full Moon in spiritual Pisces. The power of Mars will be amplified as he forms a square to the Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto grouping that is building up to a crescendo. Fairness and justice will be emphasized especially by the Mars square Saturn.
Mars will turn retrograde next week on Wednesday, September 9. This happens once every two years and lasts about two months. This will help you in your quest for truth.
On Saturday, Mercury enters Libra. This will add some sweetness in communications and help ease whatever stress you are dealing with. Mercury will form a trine this week to the powerful Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto grouping. Pay attention to your dreams for messages
Pluto is too far away to be seen by the naked eye, but scintillating Jupiter will be clearly visible the whole night long with the dimmer light of Saturn off to the left.
Venus' entry into joyful Leo will take place the day after, on Sunday. This will bring a lovely boost to your spirits.
Keep a watch on Jupiter and Saturn. They are on their way to what is known as the Great Conjunction on December 21, right on the day of the Winter Solstice. They meet up in a conjunction once every 20 years.
Over the past 200 years they have been mostly meeting in the earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo). December's conjunction in Aquarius will be especially powerful for it will mark the end of the old 200-year cycle in earth signs and launch a new 200 years cycle in air (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). Make your wishes at this momentous time.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, August 31, 2020.
The more you think about your situation, the more you can see it has to change. The problem is how to make this happen. Every solution you think up somehow looks set to create further problems. That, though, is not a reason to give up. You are on the right track. The Full Moon in Pisces will help you convince others that a certain ground-breaking idea of yours is feasible and workable. The notion you're entertaining needs just needs a little tweak here and there. You have all the skills required for achieving success. And with just a modicum of confidence, you will inspire the right people to believe in you.
You feel that something has gone wrong. Hold it right there. Nothing has gone wrong. Something has worked out very well indeed. It is just that, so far, you cannot see this. But soon, you will. The Universe is giving you an invitation to relax and let more time pass. This week is due to have a thoroughly excellent outcome as long as you refuse to let problems get the better of you. The Full Moon in Pisces will impress upon you that constructive progress is going on in important areas of your life. It would be a shame not to appreciate it. Savour all that is going well, and a certain big problem will magically vanish from your life forever.
You know that you cannot leave things as they are. You have entered a period of profound change. Exciting challenges are being presented. The Full Moon in Pisces will encourage you to act with confidence and a sense of assurance. This is a time of awakening. As old issues get reviewed in a new light, you will rewrite the history of your life and create a radically new future in accordance with your inner changes. Only good can come of whatever decision you must make. As events around you begin to back up your hunches and confirm your judgments, you will soon have good reason to feel thoroughly optimistic.
Something always starts to change around this time of year. And we're not talking about the weather. Something in your head and heart is shifting. The Full Moon in Pisces is moving you on a course that will lead to a new phase of commitment and stability. You are experiencing a profound urge to rewrite the rulebook of your life. The Universe is offering you an exceptional opportunity to change things. You will no longer feel that people are continually opposing you. You will live in harmony with people you really care about. You will really make a profound and positive difference for people in your world.
Despite all the encumbrances and impediments of daily life, you will soon be on the receiving end of a most harmonious and constructive celestial development. Where there is disarray and angst, you will notice the introduction of peace and serenity. You are surely capable of presenting a good case in an argument you are being drawn into. The Full Moon in Pisces will urge you to trust your nonconformist impulses. You are perfectly capable of standing up for yourself. Make your move and the tide will carry you forward. Right now you are being looked to for guidance.
There are factors in your life now that seem to need adjustment. With all your accumulated experience, you have what it takes to achieve success. Everything in life can seem difficult until you're shown how to deal with it. A small amount of information provides an enormous education. Someone in your world has the ability to explain an important point you need. The Full Moon in Pisces will get you researching and investigating by communicating with your fellow human beings. You will get the answers you need if you have the relevant questions this week.
If you truly desire a big change in the way you lead your life, you have every chance in the world of managing to make it happen. Yes, so much is up in the air, it's making you wonder how you can make it happen. The good news is that the worst of recent struggle is behind you. The tension arising from this dilemma will ease as the Full Moon in Pisces makes it clear that your path ahead is much easier than you realize. Don't assume that what you wish to accomplish is going to be difficult. If anything feels awkward, it is probably because you do not have enough faith in where you are being led.
Little problems may not mean a lot on their own but if they accumulate, they gain power and turn into big problems. There's a list of little things you haven't dealt with. They're piling up and raising the stress level. That will prove good for you. Positive developments often begin as problems. They serve a good purpose because they jolt us out of our comfort zone. The Full Moon in Pisces will motivate you to clear up a backlog of issues. It will lead to a successful drive toward what was once an impossible goal. There is no room for harbouring doubts. You are on track to achieve the miraculous.
It's not surprising if you feel a strange sort of apprehension given all that you've been through. Put away your worries and fears. Some penetrating insights will come through the auspices of the Full Moon in Pisces. Do your best to not take your current drama too seriously. Try not to dwell on what's annoying you or causing you worry and concern. If you leave it alone, it may just go away. Several pieces of good news are making their way toward you. Take full advantage of the opportunities that they represent. Whether you are aware of it or not, things are falling quite naturally into place.
You have an inclination to worry a little too much at times. There's no need to feel that way now. You are in a much stronger position than you think. The Full Moon in Pisces will initiate a period of expansion and growth. You'll be working feverishly on getting a big project off the ground. You're on a passionate mission to accomplish something deeply meaningful on many levels. Celestial evidence is mounting that this special process is going to move you forward in a big way. Your ability to see the bigger picture will help you make a brilliant decision. This moment is pregnant with possibility.
Thinking too much about how things used to be has been sapping your strength and robbing you of the ability to seize a brand new opportunity. But now a shift in your perception is inspiring you with hope. The Full Moon in Pisces will encourage you to take seriously what your feelings are now telling you. Your ability to analyze and solve problems has never been better. You've reached a point where your mind has begun to comprehend what your heart is telling you. Deep down you know what you need to do next. Words can never be fully trusted, but your heart can.
You keep feeling sure that you know what you need to do next. Opportunities that seemingly support this keep arising. Yet each time you step forward that positive feeling dissipates causing you to hesitate and pause. Though the frustration and anxiety created is great, you have become proficient at managing your feelings. The Full Moon in Pisces will inspire your expectations and lead to a most serendipitous encounter that will turn the tide for you. You are doing a lot better than you realize. An intangible benevolent force will help you make a decisive move that will get the ball rolling once and for all.