Your horoscope for the week ahead: Expect to end the week all the more determined and focused
With the Fall Equinox here, jot down your aims and goals — this is the point you can go for what you want

The Sun's journey through the zodiac moves into the cardinal sign of Libra on Tuesday. In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the Fall Equinox. Get your wish list out and jot down your aims and goals. This is the point when you can go out and get what you want. And read your special Fall Equinox horoscope here.
With Mars moving retrograde in fiery Aries through to November 14, there is plenty of proactive celestial energy at your disposal. Mars is the Hercules of the solar system, and Aries is home turf for Mars, so he's particularly powerful at this time. Look for his rusty hue in the eastern sky after 9 p.m., and expect Mars to get much brighter in the coming weeks.
Mercury meets up in a square alignment to Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Pluto aka Hades is a severe energy that rules a slew of scary things, but don't worry, he does have a good side too. He is very protective and known for his determination and silent strength.
Pluto's dynamic angle to Mercury, the Master of Strategy, on Monday, September 21, will help you focus your mind in your search for truth and meaning. This alignment undoubtedly will bring some glitches. Stay positive, and any interruptions that affect your life will bring a positive outcome. The week ends with Mercury entering Scorpio on Sunday, September 27. This will make you all the more determined and focused.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 21, 2020.
Imagination is a most important ingredient to create the world you seek. However, it does need to be harnessed within a practical framework, lest it get out of control. Take on board the lessons that life has taught you and apply it to an idea that is starting to take shape; all it needs is some flesh and bones. The Mercury-Pluto square will help you establish a clear viewpoint. You can succeed at making a certain special dream grow, step-by-step, into concrete reality. You have more power than you realize and more influence too.
At best, we get an occasional insight into the future. Whenever we think we have the full picture, we can be sure of only one thing: we are wrong. Years of experience have honed your skills of survival. You could run masterclass workshops on how to beat challenges. Take some deep replenishing breaths. Focus your attention on subjects that make you feel good. The Mercury-Pluto square will have a powerful but positive impact on you. The Universe is offering you something of great value.
Worrying less about problems — hard as that might be — prevents them from getting blown out of proportion. Dwelling on worries and the anxiety they produce only worsens matters. It is necessary to influence a certain situation with a steady stream of positive input. Your currently enhanced skills of communication can be put to good use. The Mercury-Pluto connection will supply you with the power to influence this process and put it on the right track to success and happiness. Keep hope in your heart alive; an experience of liberation is near.
For some while now, you have been keen to reject a particular proposition. A wave of pessimism is slowing down progress in an area of your life that ought to be moving faster. There is a fear, that a certain dream may be impossible to fulfil, and this negative tendency must be arrested immediately for it risks taking you down the wrong road. What you seek to achieve is not only realistic, it is viable, feasible and entirely probable. It will become clear that you are being offered something worth having, with very few strings attached if any. Something quite amazing is happening underfoot.
Be mindful of how you respond to a certain challenge. Don't let it drive you into a state of fear and anxiety. With your fertile imagination and flair for innovation, you are fully capable of overcoming adversity with great ease. Be glad of all that is good in your life. The Mercury-Pluto square will help you cut to the chase. You will surprise yourself with your uncanny skill of making judicious choices. If you knew what the Universe has in store for you, you'd be grinning from ear to ear. You've got a lot of positive preparation to get to.
No matter how well life is treating you, there are inevitably going to be some negative issues lurking in the shadows. Worrying excessively about your concerns risks tipping the scales toward the negative. The potency of a certain problem will rapidly dissolve once you recognize that you have the power and authority to deal with it in a most efficacious manner. The Mercury-Pluto square will give you the power to focus your thoughts like a laser beam. You know what you need to accomplish and there is nothing that could possibly stop you.
Current astrological indicators infer that you may be overly concerned with some problems and not giving enough credibility to opportunities that are presenting themselves. The Mercury-Pluto square may allow you to see useful information, helping you see clearly through the confusion of recent developments. You are wondering how cautious you should be. You will soon understand where it's all taking you. If there are any doubts that something good is coming your way, they will soon be dashed. You ought to be planning with plenty of optimism rather than trepidation.
The Mercury-Pluto square will help cut your way through a confusing situation if you can stop mulling the consequences of a certain decision that went wrong or seemed to go wrong. You have put plenty of constructive energy into righting that wrong. Ultimately, as you will soon discover if you haven't already, it was the right decision. It's funny how things can change, and you can realize that what first appeared as a setback ends up being the best thing that could ever happen to you. Everything may turn out well; the key is to follow your heart's lead toward the truth.
It is not uncommon to experience our once best friends become our worst enemies. The seeds of discord may have always been there, but we were either oblivious to them or preferred to ignore them. There is nothing wrong with taking precautions before entering into any important agreements — doing so will avert the possibility of trouble down the line. The Mercury-Pluto square will clear away any obfuscation. A certain someone is trying to force a very sensitive issue. You cannot allow this to go unchallenged. But you can, and should, show a little sympathy for the hidden reasons behind this.
The Mercury-Pluto square is dredging up a lot of buried anxiety that's hidden away deep within, and causing you to recognize the existence of a difficulty. The reason for seeing this is not to deflate your spirits, but rather to direct you onto a better path forward. It's an emotional process that is stressful, but ultimately very positive. Purging negative emotions out of your system is a positive, cathartic process. It may not be immediately apparent, but a shift is taking place.
Good fortune is beaming down on you from high celestial places. Can't feel it? You soon will. You have already begun drawing many benefits from this energy. It'll help you to get over a hurdle in your journey. The Mercury-Pluto square will have an auspicious influence. There are unmistakable indications that a spectacular new chapter in your life has just begun. All the pieces are in place for finding a long sought-after resolution to a stubborn old problem. You'll have several choices to make that will ultimately lead to a destination of your liking. All of them will be appealing. Go for the one you want.
This is an important week. A big week. The Mercury-Pluto square will help you discover the truth, conquer a problem and beat the odds. Progress in a crucial situation, albeit slow, is nonetheless moving forward. The biggest problem stems from worrying needlessly about things that are actually going well. There is no reason to persist with this dubious train of thought. A most fortuitous astrological configuration is setting you up for victory. Whether it's mere coincidence or design, the stars are nicely aligned. Go gently now but with bold resolve.