Your horoscope for the week ahead: Venus will provide us with the gift of serendipity
You can make great progress with work, business and love too

Be sure to focus your thoughts on positive feelings and ideas. This way you will be able to tap into some magical astrological configurations. The week kicks off with a challenging square between the Sun and Saturn, followed by militant Mars squaring with the robust energy of Jupiter.
But by Jove, the good news is that lovely Venus, aka Aphrodite, is forming three very rare trines all this week — excellent news. Trines are magical angles that produce a feelgood factor, attract good luck and generate feelings of harmony. Venus will trine Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Your luck is in. You can make great progress with work, business, finance and love too.
Mars, our Hercules of the Solar system, continues his two-month retrograde cycle until November 13. For you on a personal basis, this is good. Mars is providing the muscle you need to get up each day and meet the world with courage. His rusty glow has been at its brightest over the past week. Look south after about 10:00 p.m. for an excellent view of the red planet.
Meanwhile Mercury, aka Hermes, will enter the second week of his three-week retrograde cycle. He is travelling through the passionate sign of Scorpio. He will help you plumb the depths of your unconscious. Be ready to engage in some revealing moments of enlightenment.
On Thursday, we enter Scorpio season as the Sun leaves Libra and enters the fixed sign of Scorpio. We are about to enter the heart of the fall in the Northern Hemisphere when the trees finally lose their covering of leaves. The energy of the earth will retract. Nature will slowly slip into a deep sleep.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, October 19, 2020.
Our ideas may be intelligent, but our illogical fears and fantasies have a way of sabotaging us. The imagination is the spawning ground of the life you wish to create. In the coming week, Venus will guide you toward cultivating a healthy and positive imagination. You will tap into the creative source. Your ideas have the potential to grow into material existence. Consider the above as you reflect over a wild and apparently ridiculous notion you are entertaining. It may not be as absurd as you think.
Patience is not always a virtue. Sometimes, there's a lot to be said for putting your foot down and refusing to go along with something that seems pointlessly slow. Enjoy and nurture a positive spirit by all means, but don't be afraid of giving a certain process a push. In one area at least, you are justified in kicking up a fuss. You possess the ability to mould and shape events into whatever form you choose. Everything will fall nicely into place if you believe in yourself and your talents. Nothing can stop you. Venus will guide you well in this week ahead.
You've somehow managed to convince yourself that a certain task, meeting or encounter is destined to be difficult and problematic. Put an end to those dour mental ramblings. Doubt has a way of sucking the life out of our hopes and dreams like a black hole absorbs light. Your doubts and fears about an important matter are about to be significantly reduced as helpful information reaches your ears, thanks to the auspicious influence of Venus. The new and powerful you of today possesses the ability to vanquish challenges that once upon a time were unbeatable. You will turn a longstanding challenge into a success story.
You are nurturing the erroneous impression that an important dream is drifting away. You are right to carefully muse this point, but do not allow it to dominate your mood. You have had about as much as you can take of an awkward situation. If something doesn't alter soon, you don't know what you're going to do. Fortunately, your patience has run out at just the same time as your difficulty has come to a natural end. Venus is leading toward the progress you have been yearning for. You will get back in touch with a part of your life that you had all but lost hope in ever enjoying again.
You can force a certain situation, try to adjust to it or maybe even change it in some way. Another possibility is to allow it to unfold naturally. If you can hang on just a tiny bit longer, you will start to see the progress you have been yearning for. You have an excellent track record for attracting good luck, in fact, you're an ace. Recently, however, you've noticed a decline in your luck. Fortunately, that is temporary. The pressure you've been under is coming to an end now as Venus takes up your cause. You will find a way to get everything on track to victory. You're on a mission to achieve great things.
Life is full of an abundance of magic, joy and comfort. It's there waiting for you, though it is possible that before you can experience it, you may first have to adjust an attitude or alter an expectation. Be careful that a strong desire doesn't turn into an uncontrollable urge. It is surprising how sometimes even people who are as adaptable and easy-going as you can end up having fixed ideas that stand in the way of their own progress. Venus will help you loosen up and relax. You'll find that everything will work out in the best way possible over the next week.
Celestial activity is helping you out in a big way down here in your earthly existence. An aggravating situation that you have been contending with is coming to an end. You'll see how it has been good for you by showing you what needs to be done to improve your quality of life. Carefully vet all thoughts streaming through your mind with an eye to keeping them exclusively positive. Venus will show you how to turn a longstanding challenge into a success story. You'll find the power and determination to transcend all the worries and difficulties you face. Auspicious forces are working on your behalf.
The cunning of Odysseus hatched the brilliant albeit risky plan of gifting the Trojans with a wooden horse secretly filled with Greek warriors. Cassandra warned the Trojans to no avail against hauling the wooden horse through their gates. The Trojans didn't take heed of her alerts. In a similar way, your penetrating insight can see the future impact of someone's decision, but no one is paying attention. Venus will help you say what needs to be said with all the persuasive charm you can garner. Certain obdurate minds will soften and listen to your prescient wisdom.
A little imagination goes a long way. Like salt, it can add valuable flavour to bland food. You don't need a stroke of genius this week, you just need to have a clever, imaginative insight. Venus will provide the inspiration. A good idea will come and from this, a large number of positive developments will follow. Although it may not be immediately apparent, there is a positive pattern emerging in what up until now has appeared to be a series of random and chaotic events. Fear based on a false premise has been causing you needless anxiety. In a most fortunate, albeit strange, twist of fate a problem will turn into a blessing.
Sometimes we encounter obstacles. And sometimes, we fix them. And, sometimes, we don't. Somewhere in your world the sound and fury of a struggle is raging. If you are wondering how you will fare with these challenges, put away your doubts and fears. You'll do fine thanks to Venus. It may not be immediately apparent to you, but you will soon realize that you are more powerful than any of the troubles you face. People have borne witness to your exemplary ability to cope and succeed. You've got a fan club of folks that admire your style and follow your lead. Keep up the good work.
It is the practical demands of life that keep us on our toes and prevent us from getting complacent. If you need a few miracles to pull yourself out of a hole, you will succeed in finding them. Begin by being appreciative of all your troubles. For it is thanks to them that you have developed your skill of innovative thinking. Challenges always bring out the best in you. You have something of great worth. It's called charm. When you have this, you have all else you need. This week, you will manage to be very persuasive and hence powerful. Venus will help you attain a large number of your objectives. Just be as diplomatic as you can.
You are now trying to achieve something tricky. Success will come, not through understanding detail, nuance or even context but just by trusting. Venus will help you in that regard. Keep in mind too that by accommodating too many varied viewpoints, you risk jeopardizing the outcome of an important process. Too many opinions create confusion, and you may be putting up with an unacceptable situation. Trust yourself more. You have the talent and the expertise to steer a certain process in precisely the right direction. Be a little more confident about what you think is right and blaze a trail to success.