Canadians share their scenes from spring and their adorable pets
Our pets are possibly more excited about spring than us!

Spring has sprung everywhere across the country and Canadians have been keen to capture the beauty that is blooming around us.
We've asked you to show us your spring, and you've shared photos and videos of the nature that surrounds your neighbourhoods and families — including some incredibly adorable pets!
This week we're showcasing some of our favourite scenes from spring featuring your adorable companions! Take a look!
Laura Macmillan shared this stunning shot of her pup looking oh-so majestic running through a field on a chilly spring day!
Don't you hate when you see someone in the exact same outfit as you?
If you could hear this photo, I'm sure you would hear some serious satisfactory purring right now. Check out this majestic photo of Marshmallow basking in the spring sunshine.
A dog and a goose. Two unlikely pals by the (finally) unfrozen pond!
Here we have a pup that absolutely will model in front of a beautiful bloom, for treats of course!
This chihuahua knows its good side, but maybe that's because every angle works for Tofu.
Here we've got two puppy pals. One big and one "smol" catching up on old times.
Uh, we could have done without this beautiful gift, kitty. But nonetheless, the circle of life continues this spring.
We're not sure what we have to do to live this dog's life, but we're ready to do it!

All smiles, all spring! This happy pupper is giving us ALL the spring vibes with this photo!
Let this image of Piña the peaceful puss remind you to take a moment for yourself today and soak up the scents of spring outdoors!
Finally, there are scenes from spring, and then there is this: a moose at your front door.
Definitely NOT a pet that you can pet, but had to be an honorable mention! Thanks for this shot, Tony!
We love getting a chance to see spring in your part of Canada! Keep showing us what spring looks like where you are, and keep using the hashtag #HelloSpringCBC on Twitter and Instagram.
Click here for more scenes from spring across the country. Show us your spring with the hashtag #HelloSpringCBC.