5 genius kitchen hacks that make cleaning a breeze

Keeping your kitchen tidy and germ-free can feel like a real uphill battle — especially when you have kids and pets. So, we're demystifying the art of the kitchen cleanup with a few genius hacks that will save you time and money. These easy fixes all use items you likely already have in the house, so no need to stock up on chemical-filled cleaning solutions.
How to clean your cutting board
Do you have a mark on your board that just won't go away no matter how hard you scrub? For tough stains, try mixing equal parts vinegar and baking soda to form a paste. Then, using a scrubby kitchen sponge, apply the paste to your stained cutting board and rub until the stain is removed. Rinse with water and dry. To finish, and re-season your cutting board, use a paper towel to rub in a splash of olive or vegetable oil.
How to clean your blender
Can't get that smoothie residue off? Fill your blender up halfway with water and add a squeeze of dish soap. Run the blender for 30 seconds to a minute, until all stuck-on food is loosened. Rinse out with water, and your blender is good as new!
How to take the smell out of your coffee grinder
If a stinky coffee grinder is making your cups of java undrinkable, here's what to do: Add uncooked rice to your grinder and grind for 30 seconds to a minute. Empty rice and give the area a final wipe if needed.
How to disinfect a kitchen sponge
According to public health organization NSF International, a kitchen sponge just might be the germiest spot in your house, packing in 150 times more bacteria, mould and yeast than even a toothbrush holder! To rescue your bacteria-ridden (non metal) sponges and kill chemicals, microwave them for two minutes.
How to clean a burned pot
Save a pot that got a little too hot on the burner by adding water and a fabric softener sheet and boiling on your stovetop to loosen dirt. If all burnt bits are not loosened after 30 minutes, scrub gently with baking soda and a sponge.