Are these cleaning tools worth the money, or will they just waste your time?
Grill cleaning robots, shower shoes, and more As-Seen-on-TV gadgets put to the test.

Simply put, cleaning is no fun. So it's no surprise that the market is saturated with cleaning gadgets that claim to save you time and money. Those late night infomercials make them seem super appealing, but it can be hard to know if they actually work as well as they claim to, or if they're just a big waste of money. Instead of rushing out to buy them yourself, the hosts of The Goods tested out four of these popular gadgets for us and weighed in on all the hype.
The Grillbot

The claim: The Grillbot promises to do "all the grill cleaning for you without any scrubbing! It's a fully-automated device that makes grill cleaning possible with just the push of a button. It has a simple push-button operation, replaceable wire brushes that are dishwasher safe, and a rechargeable battery."
Our verdict: After letting it run inside the grill for a few minutes, Steven opened it up to check on its progress and the Grillbot had moved around a lot and made a little progress, but maybe not enough to justify this product. The hosts agreed that it would be easier to just use a traditional grill brush than rely on this little guy. Food like baked-on cheese stayed put, and it seems doubtful that the Grillbot would actually be able to get at those hard to reach corners. Unfortunately, his product is not a winner.
The Handy Peel

The claim: This veggie peeler promises to be, "The fast and easy way to peel potatoes." The special sides of the silicone gloves are supposed to peel the the veggies easily, quickly and safely.
Our verdict: Shahir gave it his best shot but it just didn't work very well. He thinks a peeler would be way faster, and would take a lot less elbow grease. The handy peel did get some of the potato peel off, but then you still have to get all the gunk out of the gloves, so this one just isn't worth the effort!
The Sticky Buddy

The claim: According to this product, "The Sticky Buddy is a super sticky lint roller that has the power of glue without the goo and never loses its stickiness. Use it to remove cat hair, dog hair, crumbs, cat litter and much more!"
Our verdict: Andrea rolled the Sticky Buddy over carpet with plenty of pet hair and it worked pretty well, just like typical sticker lint rollers. She then washed it in warm water and gave it a quick dry. But when she tried to pick up coins with it — like they show on the infomercial — the Sticky Buddy totally failed. The product is also supposed to be able to stick to a wall even after several uses, but the it fell to the ground when Andrea attempted it. This product did not live up to expectations!
Easy Feet

The claim: This shower device supposedly "cleans your feet from top to bottom without bending or stretching." It has hundreds of bristles to get in every nook and cranny and a built-in pumice stone for your heels.
Our verdict: Jessi said that it felt pretty nice on her feet, but that it also felt a little dangerous. But at least the Easy Feet is attached to the shower floor by suction cups. If you're careful, Jessi says that this one is a winner! It got her feet nice and clean without having to bend down.