#CanadaGem: The most picturesque places to watch live music across Canada

We here at CBC Life are just as excited as you about Canada's 150th birthday. So in the month leading up to July 1, we're showcasing some of our country's amazing hidden gems from coast to coast: totally Instagram-worthy food, tiles too pretty to *not* shoot, crazy views and more. #CanadaGem #CBClife
Whether you're a little bit country, or prefer your beats with a loud, booming bass, you probably agree that music just sounds better when you're hearing it live. Luckily, with the countless high quality acts that make their way across our fine country (especially in the summertime), Canadian audiophiles have a pretty great selection to choose from when it comes to which artists to see — and where to see them!
From blink-and-you'll-miss-it dive bars to sprawling stages, there's no shortage of venues in Canada to sit back, sip an ice cold bevvy and jam out to some infectious tunes. To help with your summer concert planning, we've rounded up some of the most beautiful, interesting places to take in live music from coast to coast.
Check out these gems, and what makes them as easy on the eyes as they are on the ears.
The uber cozy Dakota Tavern in Toronto, Ont.
The neon vibes at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver, B.C.
The chandelier game at the P.E.I. Brewing Company in Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The exquisite Palais Montcalm in Quebec City, Que.
The eclectic High and Lonesome Club in Winnipeg, Man.
The grand Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary, Alta.
The well-read Artful Dodger Cafe & Music Emporium in Regina, Sask.
The lively Folk on the Rocks stage in Yellowknife, N.W.T.
The double-duty Fredericton Boyce Farmer's Market in Fredericton, N.B.
The sprawling National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Ont.
The view from the Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, Que.
The luxe Palm Lounge at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Man.
The stunning scenery at the Alianait Arts Festival in Iqaluit, Nun.
The magical Winspear Centre in Edmonton, Alta.
The artfully lit Copper Owl in Victoria, B.C.
The ornate Opera House in Toronto, Ont.
The epic stage at the Mussel Bed Soiree in Lewisporte, N.L.
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