An explosive 25-minute workout for stressful days
Release pent-up tension and refocus your mind with these powerful circuits from fitness coach Beverley Cheng

POV: You want to workout, but you're too stressed.
When we're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, our workouts can often be the first thing to go. But according to fitness coach Beverley Cheng, carving out the time to find release through physical activity can make all the difference.
In this video from her series Fit for Me, Beverley will lead you through a 25-minute workout designed to help you let go of pent-up tension and refocus your mind. You'll start with a dynamic warm-up, then rev things up even further with quick circuits of explosive, powerful exercises. "This release will feel so good," Beverley says.
Check out the full workout video, then scroll down for the list of exercises. All you'll need is a long resistance band (or a pair of light dumbbells), a mat and some water to get started.
25-minute stress release workout
Dynamic warm-up x 5 mins
Circuit 1:
- Banded squat to press x 12 reps
- Squat hold + bodyweight punches x 30 secs
- V-up x 12 reps
Repeat three times with a short rest in between.
Circuit 2:
- Pause squat jump x 12 reps
- Power climber x 30 secs
- Reverse lunge + knee drive (L) - 12 reps
- Reverse lunge + knee drive (R) - 12 reps
Repeat three times with a short rest in between.
Produced in collaboration with CBC Creator Network.