Ask a sexpert: How to actually win at online dating
Sexologist Shannon Boodram has the hacks to help solve all your Bumble blunders.
Sexologist Shannon Boodram has the hacks to help solve all your Bumble blunders.

With the days of IRL meet-cutes almost entirely a thing of the past, what single person hasn't turned to online dating to help forge a love connection? But while apps like Tinder and OkCupid have certainly changed the game, presenting us with potential suitors, they've also presented us with new complications. We enlisted Canadian sex and relationships expert, Shannon Boodram, to share her savviest cheat codes and tips to help us sort out online dating once and for all. From creating a "job posting" to narrow your search for The One, to taking your profile pic inspo from magazine covers, here's what Shannon suggests in order to actually win at online dating: