DIY friendship bracelets to wear and gift to the pals you miss most
Last-day-of-summer-camp vibes, courtesy of withwendy (and her homemade loom instructional)

Is it just us, or have the past few months of seeing friends mostly through screens left you with that melancholic, last-days-of-summer-camp-feeling — when we'd bid adieu to our new besties, unsure of when we'll be with them again? It's a feeling DIY queen withwendy captured so perfectly in her latest project for us: beaded friendship bracelets you can make and gift as a special token to the pals you miss most. Haven't made one of these in a minute? Don't fear — Wendy's demo will help jog your memory, and even show you a simple method for creating a loom from scratch, if you don't happen to have a fancy one at home. Check out the video below to see how it's done, then scroll down to grab the materials list and get started.
Here's what you'll need:
- Seed beads, in colours of your choice
- Jewellery thread
- A fine needle
- Scissors
- A bead loom (or, a basket, 2 fine-tooth combs and a few binder clips to make your own)