Man of the Kitchen: Powerhouse Granola Bars are easy to make and take, for a boost whenever you need it
Chef Shahir Massoud's designed these specifically for exhausted parents… like him.

Welcome to Man of the Kitchen! Shahir Massoud, king of all things delicious on CBC's The Goods, loves to kick back in the kitchen and make the meals he really craves — but his new baby has certainly changed the game. He's still cooking for a night in with the guys and brunch with friends but he's finding recipe twists and 'aha!' hacks to make it all easier, quicker, but as tasty as ever.
Shair looooves his little newborn baby. But he is not shy about saying that parenting is exhausting. As he puts it, by the time you finish the 'graveyard shift' of getting them to sleep, it's almost time to be up for the morning shift, so it's not surprising that he and his wife, Mila, crash hard in the afternoon. To fix this, he created an energetic pick-me-up especially for them and for parents in the struggle with them. These Powerhouse Granola Bars are easy to make and easy to take on the go, and most importantly, they're designed to keep you ticking no matter how many diapers you have to change.
Recipe here: