8 ways to tell that someone is lying

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How good do you think you are at spotting a liar? Do you consider yourself a CIA-level lie detector? Or do you mostly take what someone is saying at face value until proven otherwise?
Either way, if you're looking to up your game when it comes to telling if someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, we've got some tips for you, courtesy of Psychology Today — and a former FBI agent with years of experience in interrogation.
Here are eight signs that can help you detect when you're being deceived:
1. Throat clearing
A less seasoned fibber may still experience stress when faking the truth, which can cause the need for throat-clearing. That's because moisture, which is usually present in the throat, has rerouted through the body and is being re-purposed as a nervous sweat.
2. Hard swallowing
Similarly, the lack of moisture in our throats when we're lying can cause hard swallows, often referred to as "the Adam's Apple jump." Gulp!

3. Rapid blinking
Normally, we blink around five or six times a minute, or once every ten seconds. When the body goes into stress mode — like when you know you're lying and suspect the person you're with is catching on — someone may blink five or six times in rapid succession.
4. Blushing
Turns out blushing doesn't just happen when you're embarrassed! Some people, often women, tend to blush when they're lying. Blushing is an involuntary reflex caused by the sympathetic nervous system, and is a response to the release of adrenaline. So, that rapid heartbeat that gives you away on a lie detector test is also responsible for making you turn red when you're about to lie.
5. Eye pointing
The eyes don't lie — even when our mouths do! Our eyes point to where the body wants to go. Liars often look toward the nearest exit, signaling a desire to physically escape the situation.

6. Head shaking
When someone is telling the truth, they will sometimes nod their head simultaneously in agreement with what they're saying. If they shake their heads in disagreement, it could mean their bodies are betraying their lie.
7. Feet pointing
Liars will often point their feet toward the door, signaling their desire to physically and psychologically escape an uncomfortable situation.
8. Leaning back
When a person starts to tell a fib, they often sway or lean back to put some distance between themselves and the person to whom they're lying.
Do you think you're good at spotting a liar? Tell us the signs that you watch out for on our Facebook page.