Jessi Cruickshank's twins have arrived and she's shared the entire experience with us!
"I'm thankful we're still in the hospital because my heart might explode."

Congratulations to Jessi Cruckshank on the birth of her twin boys, which she announced this morning! Both mom and babies are doing great. Our sources say their names are coming soon.
Jessi has shared her entire pregnancy experience with us. Let's take a look back at what happened.
First, she discovered she was having more babies than she'd anticipated. She wasted no time in paying tribute to Beyoncé, and immediately began figuring out what to name her twins.

She got some tips on how to get through her pregnancy from a group of grandmothers. They mostly terrified her.
Realizing that parenting would be scary, Jessi sought out even more advice from experts, like Grade Four students, some of whom had really interesting ideas about where babies came from.
She apologized to pregnant women everywhere for unwittingly lying to them on The Goods in a segment called "Dressing Your Bump", and made up for it by busting all the maternity wear myths.
Upon realizing that children need both role models and cautionary tales, Jessi put together a roundup of celebrity twin do's and don'ts for her unborn babies. (Surprisingly, Benji and Joel Madden were held up as a positive example.)

For those of you who wonder how celebrities get their bodies to snap back into pre-baby shape, the answer is surgery. Jessi sat down with a Toronto plastic surgeon to discuss her options, and wound up making several terrified faces and deciding to pass on the whole thing.
Look, a baby shower is just weird theme party. Jessi showed us how to the throw one with booze, tacos, pornography and classic '90s rap jams.

Jessi tried to right her bad baby name karma, caused by years of mocking people's baby names, by finding some of the most over-the-top celebrity children's names and praising them. You're welcome, Diva Thin Muffin Zappa.
One of the great things about twins is the opportunity to put them in matching outfits, so Jessi went looking for #TWINSPIRATION on Instagram and wound up stumbling on a treasure trove of tiny fashion icons.

She sat down with OB Dr. Dena Bloomenthal to ask some embarrassing questions about childbirth, and Dr. Bloomenthal told her about the one time a patient bit her during labour.

Realizing that fourth graders weren't the parenting experts she'd hoped they were, Jessi went and spoke to the grandmothers again. That went better.
Finally, she talked to Dr. Bloomenthal again to bust some popular childbirth myths. It turns out placenta eating is totally optional!
Things weren't always perfect, and Instagram isn't always true, as she told Flare Magazine. Her pregnancy with high-risk Monochorionic identical twins had both scary and miraculous moments.