Research says: All the single ladies may be healthier than their married counterparts

I blame Disney. Too many of us were weaned on archaic stories of perfect love and the bliss one finds therein. Also, I spent years of my childhood taking Judo and Karate thinking I'd have to rescue a 'damsel' one day. Surprisingly, still single.
There's a stubborn notion, even today, that coupling is the benchmark of contentment and health. With the exception of the jaded, marriage is still celebrated as the ultimate social success. Even science seemed to back up the positive perception, at least as far as cardiovascular health is concerned.
But new research suggests that being single may be a prescription for a tidier bill of health. Especially for women. So, forget about finding your prince, or princess, for awhile.
An infographic from happify (excerpt included below) cites data from the Pew Research Centre showing single life to be really good for you. You know, like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

In the 60s, 72% of the population was married, now only about 50% tie the knot. Marriage is slowly falling out of favour. And maybe with good reason.
Singles enjoy stronger social bonds with friends, neighbors and family. They stay more connected to others and are more likely to get help and help those around them, something which boosts health in it's own right. Dr. Carolyn Schwarz of University of Massachusetts Medical School found that depression rates were significantly lower in those who helped others regularly. Helpers are happier. Being single affords you some time to lend the occasional hand. We all get by with a little… well, cue Joe Cocker.
Married men, on the other hand, had fewer close confidants. In fact, 15% of them have no close friends at all. Tight friendship keeps your mind sharp, extends your life and your overall health. So, married or not, buddy up.
Happiness outside the sphere of conjugal life is also affected. Things like job satisfaction drop after a major event like marriage, especially in women. While that may just be post vacation blues (the, "I could be sipping Mai Tais in Tahiti instead of finishing Susan's filing right now" feeling), it may point to a bigger issue for married women.
Old- fashioned marriage models from the 70s had many doctors rightly claiming female mental health takes a hit post vows. Married women were more depressed than their single sisters with things like low financial status (due to unpaid but time consuming domestic duties) being a key factor. The more balanced partnership of modern marriages show far better numbers though. Still, unmarried men are 14% more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, but unmarried women are completely unaffected.
Dr George Ploubidis, a population health scientist at the UCL Institute of Education, confirms that "not marrying or cohabiting is less detrimental among women than men." Ultimately, single men are more prone to illness. Not so for women. "Being married appears to be more beneficial for men," he says. Others say optimum health is not about your marital status but how we live our single or married lives. Data will likely continue to prove and disprove the benefits of spinsterhood and bachelorhood forever.
Still, maybe celebrate all the platonic love in your life this Valentine's Day. Science says it's healthy.
And remember that Disney got a lot of stuff wrong with his romantic retelling of idyllic fables. I won't digress into his darker foibles but Disney's colleague Walter Kimball, said the man "didn't trust women or cats." Weird. There's been a shift at Disney Studios though. Thankfully, and tellingly, Frozen, you'll recall, is about sisterly love. For a little brotherly love from Disney, see The Fox and the Hound. It's surprisingly progressive. Although, a bit anti-bear.
Marc Beaulieu is a writer, producer and host of the live Q&A show guyQ LIVE @AskMen.