How are you feeling? What to listen to, read and watch if you're at peace
A curated list of music streams, videos and articles to help you in the time of isolation

With everything going on right now, from the constant news updates around COVID-19 to social distancing, it's easy to feel inundated. We're all cycling through a lot of emotions, many at the same time, and it can be overwhelming.
That's why CBC Music created a series of curated care packages full of music, videos and stories to help, based on how you're feeling. We also asked CBC Music hosts and producers to pick songs to fit each mood.
Maybe all of this has given you a moment to slow down, self reflect, and you're feeling peaceful.
To listen
Song: "Le Pont Mirabeau," Lionel Daunais, Guillaume Apollinaire
"This is deceptive, because in order for music to be captivating there has to be tension. There has to be some question that needs to be answered. So, to me, the reason this beautiful song by the Quebec singer and composer Lionel Daunais brings peace and calm, is that although the poetry by Guillaume Apollinaire hints at loss, at a love that has drifted just out of reach, by the song's end, Daunais' music brings us just enough resolution that we can believe peace and calm might truly be there for us after all." — Tom Allen
When you're feeling at peace, sometimes music that conveys that same emotion helps. We'd suggest these playlists for you:
- Classical Serenity is a relaxing classical mix to provide a beautiful backdrop for your day.
- Play, listen and pause. Meditation is a playlist to soothe your soul, calm your mind and allow you to happily stare off into space just a little bit.
- Ancient. Modern. Timeless. Your soul will stir with our India Roots playlist.
To read

26 Gord Downie Quotes that will inspire you
Gord Downie quotes that have made us think, smile, create and reflect about life, music, art, work and the things that matter.
Jailed for making music, one Iranian composer's quest for peace.
In early 2007, composer and musician Mehdi Rajabian was just 17 years old, an activist and an artist with a vision, but he wanted to do more. So he founded Barg Music, working with underground and restricted artists in Iran, but particularly women, who were legally forbidden from performing solo, except when performing for female audiences.
To watch
- No matter how you're feeling, maybe seeing world renowned pianist Angela Hewitt play Claude Debussy's "Clair de Lune" is exactly what you need.
- Or, if you're more the type to want to zone out with headphones on, there was that time we tried to do the world's quietest concert with Serena Ryder on the floor of the Bay of Fundy.
- Montreal harpist Emilie Kahn performed lush, relaxing arrangements from her album Outro as part of our First Play Live series.
We hope that helps. We also have care packages for if you're feeling sad, anxious, hopeful, bored, inspired, empathetic or angry.