
BCE, Microsoft in Internet-protocol TV test

It's called IPTV. And Bell Canada and Microsoft hope Canadians will embrace Internet-protocol TV as a new way of getting their TV programming.

IPTV would offer an alternative to the satellite delivery method currently used by Bell ExpressVu. IPTV uses an Internet-based broadband network instead.

The IPTV technology was developed by Microsoft's television division. It uses video compression technology to greatly reduce bandwidth requirements. That in turn would allow Bell Canada to deliver broadcast-quality video over telephone lines.

"This is part of our overall video strategy to find more ways to deliver Bell ExpressVu digital programming services to customers on their terms, whether through satellite or wireline," Bell Canada's Eugene Roman said in a release.

IPTV was designed to support standard and HDTV (high definition television) programming, as well as video on demand.

Bell Canada said it will be the first in Canada to attempt delivery of programming over an IP broadband network using IPTV technology.