As it Happens: Friday Edition

Part One
Quebec hijab wearer
Rania el-Alloul just wanted her car back -- but after a Quebec judge refused to hear her case because she was wearing a hijab, people across the country are filing objections.
Stone Age wheat imports
Not only were Stone Age hunter-gatherers in Britain eating wheat -- big news on its own -- they were also importing it.
From Our Archives: Leonard Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy -- a kind of Renaissance Man who was nevertheless best-known, and much loved, for playing a mostly emotionless Vulcan -- dies at the age of 83.
Part Two
Bangladesh blogger slain
Yesterday, the atheist writer Avijit Roy was hacked to death in the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh -- in what one fundamentalist group has called an assassination.
Namibia town name change
The government of Namibia plans to change the name of a community to a word meaning "embrace" in a local language, but many residents find the idea -- and the new name -- unspeakable.
Part Three
Hadfield flight suit find
Most clothes that wind up in thrift stores were in a trunk, or a box. But the outfit one Toronto woman found in a thrift store was in a vacuum. Not a vacuum cleaner; an actual vacuum. Space. Because it was a flight suit once worn by Chris Hadfield.
ISIS Syria Christian attack
Syrian Christians who were sent on the run this week when ISIS stormed their villages have taken refuge in a nearby town, but are surrounded.
Bionic arm
Hear from one of three Austrian men now equipped with bionic arms -- and the doctor who performed the surgery allowing them to control limbs they couldn't use for years, with their minds.
Sinking Alaska town
The Alaskan community of Kivalina has two problems. First: due to global warming, it will soon be underwater. And second: some big-name politicians in Washington don't believe in global warming.