As It Happens

As It Happens: Friday Edition

As It Happens: Friday, September 4, 2015

Part One

Refugee crisis: Pat Carney
Former Tory cabinet minister Pat Carney calls on the Conservative government to allow more refugees into Canada -- or be swept from office.  

Book cover website
A new website invites people to literally judge books by their covers -- and while that may be the definition of shallow, it looks like feelings run deep. 
Personal flame throwers
A Michigan company online sale of personal flame throwers has the mayor of Warren, Michigan, positing many answers to the question: "what could go wrong?"

Part Two

Guatemala president jailed
Until Wednesday, Otto Perez held the highest office in Guatemala; now, he's resigned, embroiled in an ever-widening corruption scandal. 

Noah Davis obit
It wasn't just that the late painter Noah Davis brought a keen eye to his work -- he also brought his paintings to a part of Los Angeles that wasn't used to seeing art at all. 

As it Happens was produced this week by: 

Laurie Allan
Imogen Birchard
Katie Geleff 
Chris Harbord
John McGill
Kevin Robertson
Pedro Sanchez
Kate Swoger.  

Our technicians this week were Paul Hodge and Lou Romero

The show director is Kevin Ball. Chris Howden is our writer.  

John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.

We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week: 

Sally Pitt in Charlottetown
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Max Paris in Ottawa
Wayne Henning at Radio Archives in Toronto
Martine Laberge in Hearst, Ontario
Anne Penman in Vancouver and 
Nancy Thompson in Whitehorse. 

As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Have a great weekend.