Driver hears Amber Alert on car radio, sees vehicle right in front of him

At first, Steve Adams thought it was just a really creepy coincidence.
Adams describes the moment he made the connection to As It Happens host Carol Off:
Carol Off: Steve, when you were driving in your car yesterday, can you just describe the Amber Alert you heard on the radio.
Steve Adams: An Amber Alert came on with the loud noises that it does and it described an Amber Alert out of Knoxville, Tennessee that had been seen in Lebanon, Ohio. That a bald man was driving a black in colour Chevy Impala and that he had abducted a child and possibly murdered the child's mother or his wife.
CO: So you heard that and at what point did you think that you were actually right behind the car they were looking for?
SA: About two minutes later, off to my right coming up the off-ramp from the freeway, was a black in colour Chevy sedan with a bald guy driving, mid thirties, and it matched the description and I kind of thought to myself 'that's pretty crazy.' I took another look and I noticed that the car didn't have a front license plate on it and a lot of our southern states you don't have to have a front license plate so that's when it actually piqued my interest.
CO: And then what did you see?
SA: He actually turned behind me and another car and I had to know so I pulled off at a gas station that was just off the road a little ways. As he went by I noticed that it did have Tennessee plates. I couldn't get the number. So, at the point I pulled back out and there was a car between me and him and I started dialling 9-1-1.
CO: Did you see this little girl? The two-year-old who was supposed to be in the car?
SA: No. I did not see anybody else in the car until much [after] following him.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
The Knoxville Police Department have released a statement saying that Tyler Ward Enix was arrested and that his two-year-old daughter is safe. Enix is currently in an Ohio jail but will be extradited to Tennessee and charged with first-degree murder.
To hear the full interview, including Adams 9-1-1 phone call, please click on the Listen audio link above.