As it Happens: Friday Edition

Part One
Refugees: Denmark
This week, the Danish parliament approved its plan to seize assets from refugees — because, as a government spokesperson explains, no one — citizen or immigrant — gets something for nothing.
Canadian Cruz
Republican candidate Ted Cruz loves the U.S. Constitution, but the feeling may not be mutual — because it stipulates the President must be a "natural born citizen", and he was born in Canada.
Kangaroo reality
If you thought that photograph of a male kangaroo mourning the loss of his dead female companion was sad, prepare to hate male kangaroos: he's actually trying to mate with her.
Part Two
People smuggling
After trying to smuggle a four-year-old girl out of a refugee camp in France, a British aid worker receives a conviction but no penalty from a French court — and returns home a free man.
Barriere mayor
The Chamber of Commerce for Barriere is no longer master of its own domain — its web domain, that is. A porn website has taken it over.
Part Three
France clinical trial
They were taking part in a drug trial to test a new painkiller compound. But that drug is causing unthinkable pain — because it has put six volunteers in hospital with neurological problems — one is classified as "brain-dead."
Paper route rescue
It was chance that had a Wyoming man delivering newspapers last week — and luck that he arrived at one customer's home in time to save her life.
As it Happens was produced this week by:
Laurie Allan
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
John Chipman
Katie Geleff
Chris Harbord
Sean Laughlin
Kevin Robertson
Pedro Sanchez
and Kate Swoger.
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves.The show director is John McGill. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Pat Martel in Charlottetown
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Matthew Kupfer in Ottawa
Davorin Cikovic, Lorne Shapiro in Toronto
Suzanne Dufresne in Winnipeg
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary
and Anne Penman in Vancouver.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Goodnight, and good weekend.