Milk in bags weirds some people out. @BaggedMilkWbu wants them to chill

Before you move to Canada, you can research its history. You can learn to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. You can acquaint yourself with the rules of curling. Depending on your dedication, you can subject yourself to the Nickelback catalogue.
Then you arrive and you see milk in plastic bags. Suddenly you're terrified and alone in an unforgiving country where nothing makes sense. But now this national quirk/mistake is getting widespread attention, thanks to Taylor Hurst.
Bagged milk is Hurst's raison d'être. But she's painfully aware that, in the dairy world, jugs and cartons still reign supreme. So, in 2013, the Grade 12 student and her friend took to Twitter with their dairy-packaging gospel. They started the account @BaggedMilkWbu and now, with a new surge in followers, it appears that the Internet is finally getting hip to their "bagged is best" message.
Hurst, who lives in Oshawa, Ontario, explains that bagged milk is most commonly found in her home province, Quebec and the Maritimes. But in the United States and some western provinces, few people have experienced it. Hurst says she hopes the account will help counter non-believers' skepticism and claims that bagged milk is unnatural.
"They're like, 'It's so floppy. How do you hold it? How do you close it? Once you cut it open, what happens? Does all the milk spill out? Do you have to use it all at once?'"
Hurst admits that fumbling with scissors and finding the right pitcher can be a hassle. But, accessories aside, she still insists that bagged milk is the optimal dairy-container design.
"I want them to understand that it's just milk. It's still milk, whether it's in a carton or a jug or a bag," Hurst explains.