As it Happens - Friday Edition

Part One
Manitoba men switched at birth
For the second time, two men have discovered they were switched at birth by a hospital in northern Manitoba -- and our guest says that's nothing short of a crime.
Modest swimwear
A French court says one town's ban on the burkini violates civil liberties -- and our guest, who designs swimwear for Orthodox Jewish women, couldn't agree more.
Part Two
ISIS recruit: lawyer
It's unusual for a convicted criminal to thank the FBI agents who caught him -- but that's what a Mississippi man did this week, when he was sentenced for planning to join ISIS.
London Underground sound
According to a British artist, every station in the London subway has its own particular sonic character -- and the sound map he's helped create is becoming an underground phenomenon.
As it Happens was produced this week by:
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Sam Colbert
Chris Harbord
Sean Laughlin...
John McGill
Kevin Robertson
Pedro Sanchez
and Earvin Solitario.
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director is Kevin Ball. Chris Howden our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Sherry Banfield and Carl Hodder in St. John's
Kristin Nelson in Ottawa
Davorin Cikovic
Keith Hart, and Arielle Piat-Sauvé in Toronto
Jonathan Pinto in Windsor
Suzanne Dufresne in Winnipeg
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary
and Anne Penman in Vancouver.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night, and good weekend.