As It Happens: Friday Edition

Part One
NEB Transcanada
They were part of the problem -- so they're part of the dissolution. All three members of the panel reviewing the Energy East pipeline are off the panel, after accusations of conflict of interest.
Yemeni drone strike
A Yemeni man is trying to compel the U.S. government to explain the drone strike that killed members of his family -- and now, he has the support of three American veterans of the drone program.
'Napalm girl' photo
Facebook deletes one of the most famous photos from the Vietnam War, then reconsiders -- and a Norwegian editor who fought the ban says the social media gatekeeper needs to open the gates.
Part Two
North Dakota pipeline ruling
Today, a federal judge in the U.S. said the Dakota Access pipeline could resume construction -- and then, to the relief of indigenous activists, the federal government put the whole thing on pause.
Gondola rescue
Two American women were among dozens of people who spent hours in cold cable cars, dangling above a French mountain, before being rescued by helicopter.
Part Three
North Korea test
It's usually difficult to know exactly what's happening in North Korea. But when it detonates a nuclear weapon, it's no secret. But as the U.S. government threatens further sanctions, our guest says it's time to start negotiations.
Burnaby election signs
Current polling has Hillary Clinton way up as the U.S. election approaches. As in she's like twenty-some-odd votes ahead. But the margin of error is very high, since this polling is taking place in a B.C. couple's front yard.
First Nation farming grad
A First Nations community in Dawson City, Yukon, launched its first vegetable farm this summer -- enlisting students to live there and develop basic agriculture skills.
As it Happens was produced this week by:
Laurie Allan
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Sam Colbert
Karen Chen
Chris Harbord
Sean Laughlin
John McGill
Airelle Piat-Sauve
Kevin Robertson
Pedro Sanchez
and Kate Swoger.
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director is Kevin Ball. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Mary Lynk in Halifax
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Kristin Nelson in Ottawa, Davorin Cikovic and Keith Hart at Radio Archives in Toronto
Rosa Kim and Bridget O'Toole in the sports department and Craig Desson and Olsy Sorokina, also in Toronto,
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary
and Hilary Bird in Yellowknife.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night, and good weekend.