As It Happens: Friday Edition
Part One
Jordan Peterson website
The controversial University of Toronto professor alarms his colleagues by proposing a website he says will expose professors and courses he personally considers "corrupt".
Louis CK apology
It took a New York Times exposé for comedian Louis CK to admit that longstanding accusations of sexual misconduct were true — two years after our guest hit a brick wall when investigating the stories.
Bill Blair on marijuana tax
When it comes to distributing tax money from legalized cannabis, Ottawa plans a 50/50 federal/provincial split — but some provinces and cities want more green from the grass.
Part Two
World War I plaque
Two years ago, Ontario artist Tyler Briley completed a sculpture of a First World War soldier who later killed himself for display in the House of Commons — and he wants to know why it still hasn't been unveiled.
Lebanon politician on tensions with Saudi Arabia
Caught between words of war from both Hezbollah and Saudi Arabia, a Lebanese MP says his country's best hope at avoiding war might be an intervention from Russia.
Part Three
Nigeria infant deaths
The damage to the environment in Nigeria is astonishing. Which is unfortunately to be expected after multiple oil spills. Now, scientists have discovered that that environmental damage comes at a cost to pregnant women — and to their newborn babies.
Big beaver
The word for a fear of beavers would probably be "castorophobia". That will soon be relevant information to you — when you hear the story of a rare skull of a giant beaver donated to the Manitoba Museum. A beaver the size of a football player— according to the curator of geology and paleontology at the Manitoba Museum.