As It Happens: Friday Edition
Part One
Russian Indictment
United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller lays his first charges — indicting Russian people and groups for what our guest calls an attempt to "steal democracy".
Patrick Brown Latest
Patrick Brown — the embattled former leader of the Ontario PC Party — announces his intention to become the un-embattled future leader of the party, by joining the leadership race.
Burned Rock
Yesterday, a lot of us had no idea what a burned rock in curling was, let alone how curlers should handle it — but today, after a controversial decision by Canadian skip Rachel Homan, we're all full of burned, burning questions.
Part Two
Mr. T
We knew he had ice in his veins. But until the Winter Olympics began, we didn't know that Mr. T, of Mr. T fame, had pebbled ice in his veins — and tonight, he'll tell us about his new passion for curling.
Michael Tubbs
In defiance of criticism that the compensation would be over-compensation, the mayor of Stockton, California plans to experiment with providing his poorest citizens a guaranteed basic income.
Part Three
Rice Rediscovered
For years, a staple of the American slave diet was believed to be lost to history. But then an American chef discovered "hill rice" growing in Trinidad. And now he's bringing it back to Southern cuisine.
Silent Crickets
To protect themselves from predators, male crickets in Hawaii no longer make any noise — but apparently no one told them, because they're still trying to belt out love songs.
Bieber Exhibit
Stratford, Ontario's local museum gets a lot of attention for a new exhibit on local history — because it centres around Justin Bieber.
As It Happens was produced this week by:
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Chris Harbord
Sarah Jackson
Samantha Lui
Susan McKenzie
Mary Newman
Jonathan Ore
Kevin Robertson
Kate Swoger
and Julian Uzielli.
Our technicians are Reynold Gonsalves and Jennifer Rowley. The show director this week is John McGill. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Mary-Catherine McIntosh in Halifax
Laurene Jardin in Montreal
Kristin Nelson in Ottawa
Keith Hart at Radio Archives in Toronto
Rebecca Efrat in the Music Library
Connie Walker and Luke Williams — also in Toronto
Suzanne Dufresne in Winnipeg
James Evans in Edmonton
and Anne Penman in Vancouver.
We'd also like to say a special thank-you to Noushin Ziafati. She's been our intern here for the past few weeks. Maybe you heard the story about Nigel the lonely gannet — that was just one of the stories produced by Noushin. Thanks again for all your help and good luck!
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night, and good weekend.