As It Happens: Friday Edition
Part One
Democratic Party Lawsuit
The U.S. Democratic National Committee takes a bold step and sues the Trump campaign, Russia, and Wikileaks -- for colluding to swing the 2016 election.
Harassment lawsuit
A Calgary MP who's been accused of sexual harassment is among those invited to a Liberal Party workshop on sexual harassment -- and the organizer explains why she'll welcome him.
Heathrow auction
Your house can look like the inside of an airport -- if you can get to the big sale of retro-cool items from Heathrow Airport's now-defunct Terminal One.
Part Two
Gynecology statue removal
A statue of a 19th-century doctor known as the "father of gynecology" has been removed from Central Park -- because he treated some of his patients with astonishing cruelty.
BBC sound effects archive
The BBC's Head of Archives tells us about the Corporation's giant archive of sound effects -- which has the standard stuff, like floors creaking and doors slamming, and non-standard stuff, like a guillotine.
Part Three
Nobel scandal
The committee that awards the Nobel Prize for literature is embroiled in a scandal that sounds like the plot of an complicated melodrama. A Swedish journalist takes us through the cast of characters.
China forced confessions
Forced into making a televised confession to crimes he didn't commit, Swedish activist Peter Dahlin urges countries around the world to impose sanctions on Chinese "journalists" who broadcast those segments.
Hans Asperger documents
A medical historian cites archival documents that purport to show Asperger collaborated with the Nazis to euthanize hundreds of disabled children including two of his own patients.
As It Happens was produced this week by:
Jeanne Armstrong
Imogen Birchard
Chris Harbord
Katie Geleff
Sarah Jackson
Sheena Goodyear
Alison Masemann
John McGill
Mary Newman
Nathan Swinn
Kate Swoger
Julian Uzielli and
Jason Vermes
Our technician is Reynold Gonsalves. The show director is Kevin Ball. Chris Howden is our writer.
John Perry is the Senior Producer. And the Executive Producer of As It Happens is Robin Smythe.
We'd also like to thank some other people who helped us out this week:
Mary-Catherine McIntosh in Halifax
Susan McKenzie in Montreal
Chris Rands in Ottawa
Ashly July and Luke Williams in Toronto
Suzanne Dufresne in Winnipeg
Michael O'Halloran in Calgary and
Anne Penman in Vancouver.
As It Happens will be back again on Monday. Good night, and good weekend.