As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Texas floods
With more rain threatening San Marcos, Texas, Mary Theriot describes yesterday's deadly surge, and her struggle to survive amidst the debris...and the fire ants.
John Nash obit
Journalist Peter Klein remembers the late John Nash, the Nobel laureate whose struggles with schizophrenia inspired an Oscar-winning film.
Captain John's ship headed for scrapyard
Toronto bids farewell to Captain John's, a derelict disco-era cruise-ship-cum-restaurant that's been marring the city's waterfront for years.
Part Two
Bugingo reporting
La Presse raises some serious questions about Francois Bugingo's journalism -- as one of French Canada's best-known foreign correspondents.
Canada Post super box protester
Two weeks into his sit-in, a Hamilton retiree says Canada Post will have to pull him from his lawnchair if it wants to plunk down a home delivery-destroying super mailbox.
Part Three
Nigeria fuel shortage
Oil-rich Nigeria sputters along on empty after its fuel wholesalers close the taps -- saying the government owes them close to a billion dollars.
Cache Creek evacuation
The village of Cache Creek, BC is under a state of emergency after a violent weekend storm creates rivers of mud and debris -- destroying houses and businesses along the way.
Mystery man solved
Dylan Reibling thought he knew his friend Michael De Bourcier. But after his sudden death, Reibling discovered that Michael De Bourcier wasn't even his real name.