As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Liberal nominee quits
When David McLeod resigned as a Liberal candidate last month, we were told it was for "personal reasons" -- but as he'll tell us, his reasons were one hundred per cent political.
Robert Fowler
The U.S. says its airstrike may have killed the notorious jihadi Mokhtar Belmokhtar -- but counter-reports that he's still alive come as no surprise to our guest, former Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler.
Pennsylvania mayflies bridge
Any joyride over the Veterans Memorial Bridge in Pennsylvania ended in confusion on the weekend -- when thousands and thousands of mayflies swarmed the bridge, and then croaked en masse.
Part Two
Lindhout translator
Somali photographer Abdifatah Mohamed Elmi was kidnapped along with Amanda Lindhout and Nigel Brennan -- but the RCMP didn't call him when they apprehended his captor.
Happy Valley-Goose Bay layover
Passengers on a United Airlines flight tweet their disgust when they're forced to stay at a military base in Happy Valley-Goose Bay -- and residents tweet back.
Part Three
Bashir not arrested
By the time a South African court ruled that he must be arrested, Sudanese president Omar al Bashir had already returned home from Pretoria. Which is especially bad news for the International Criminal Court, and its efforts to see him brought to justice for war crimes.
Whitehorse motorcycle found
When last we spoke with Bostjan Skrlj, the world traveller's motorcycle had been stolen in Whitehorse. Now, Mr. Skrlj has been reunited with his old friend -- but you couldn't describe him as an easy rider. Stay tuned -- "As It Happens" continues right now.
Tariq Aziz obit
Tariq Aziz was the most recognizable face of Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Mr. Aziz died earlier this month. Hsi son Ziad Azis tells us how his father will be remembered.