As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Oliver Sacks obit
The late Oliver Sacks was a neurologist -- but to millions of readers who loved his body of work, his fascinations went far beyond the cerebral.
Fahmy verdict
Marwa Omara thought she'd be heading home with her husband, Mohamed Fahmy -- but after an Egyptian court sentences him to three years, she's pleading for help from Canada.
Nautilus found
Almost 30 years after he first saw it -- and the last time anyone saw it -- an American biologist rediscovers a long-lost mollusk known as the "crusty nautilus".
Part Two
Sierra Nevada rescue
A 62-year-old woman is discovered nine days after she went missing during a hike in California's Sierra Nevada -- and after a broken leg forced her to crawl for her life.
Ukraine violence
After a vote gives more power to parts of Ukraine held by Russian-backed rebels, opponents clash with police at the parliament building in Kiev.