As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Refugee convoy
An Austrian I-T consultant joins a convoy of volunteers driving cars full of supplies to refugees in southern Hungary.
Cape Dorset fire
Cape Dorset's only high school burns to the ground leaving 150 students uncertain of where or how they'll be studying this fall.
Snakebite venom
An MSF doctor warns that snake bites could take a lot more lives after a manufacturer of an anti-venom drug stops production.
Part Two
Election panel
Our election panel weighs in as the Conservatives drop two of their candidates: one for offensive prank calls, the other for relieving himself in someone's coffee mug.
Chinese drivers: lawyer
A lawyer warns that Chinese corruption encourages drivers who hit pedestrians to finish them off instead of having to pay their hospital bills.
Part Three
Kate Beaton
She changed the historical and literary landscape with her breakout webcomic and book, Hark! a Vagrant -- now cartoonist Kate Beaton is set to release her latest collection, called Step Aside, Pops.