As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Syrian refugee story
A Toronto woman crams five Syrian relatives into her suburban bungalow. Now, with 38 more refugee cousins due to arrive, she's looking forward to full house for months to come.
Cop21: McKenna
Fresh from brokering the Paris climate agreement, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she's confident Canada can kick its carbon habit.
Carol phone line
When University of Illinois students create a dial-a-carol service for the Christmas-deprived, we give them a jingle to test their holiday cheer.
Part Two
Cornwallis statue
Edward Cornwallis may have been Halifax's founding father but a Mi'kmaq historian says he was responsible for murder, and his statue should be removed.
Sikhs at Broncos game
A group of Denver Broncos fans say they were nearly blocked from one of the NFL team's games after they were asked to remove their Sikh turbans.
Part Three
Missing girl found
For eight years since her disappearance, the family of Cedrika Provencher hoped to find out what had happened to their little girl. Now her remains have been found. A missing children's advocate who has been working with the family says they now must brace themselves, as the search for her killer intensifies.
Associated Press shrimp investigation
An investigative report shows that slaves in Thailand are peeling the shrimp you find at your local grocery store.
Fireside Al reads "Zlateh the Goat"
We mark the final day of Hanukkah with a reading of "Zlateh the Goat," about a family that plans to sell their goat to pay for Hanukkah celebrations. But they have a change of heart when a blizzard hits their little village.