As It Happens Monday Edition

Part One
Oregon militia
BJ Soper organized a peaceful protest in support of two Oregon ranchers -- but then the armed anti-government militia members showed up.
Boy on no-fly list
Six-year-old Syed Adam Ahmed is almost grounded by a no-fly list, and his parents would like to know why.
Dubai photographer
On New Year's Eve, a Filipino photographer got some shots he hadn't planned on -- when he wound up dangling from the balcony of a burning hotel in Dubai.
Part Two
Drowned refugee toddler
A two-year-old Syrian boy drowns off the coast of a Greek island -- and tonight, a rescuer of the toddler's fellow refugees paints a dire picture of the ongoing crisis.
Boston Globe journalists deliver paper
It's not business as usual for Boston Globe business reporter Beth Healy. The paper has an ongoing distribution problem -- so Ms. Healy, and her fellow staffers, delivered yesterday's paper themselves.
Part Three
As it Happened, The Archive Edition: Goodbyes
This edition of As it Happened is all about goodbyes, and we bid adieu to Kuno, a giant German catfish who rose to fame after he came to the surface of a lake and ate a small dog. Whole.