As It Happens, Monday Edition

Part One
Attawapiskat suicides
The northern Ontario First Nation of Attawapiskat declares a state of emergency, after a weekend in which eleven people attempted suicide in a single night.
Alberta NDP
An Alberta labour boss says the federal NDP's decision to adopt the "Leap Manifesto" may force provincial party members like him self to jump member-ship.
Great Dane tree
A Nebraska man tells us how his 120-pound Great Dane got herself trapped way up in a tree -- and how a team of humans got her down.
Part Two
Chronicle Herald story
The Halifax Chronicle Herald is under fire after publishing -- and pulling -- a story that quoted anonymous parents accusing so-called "refugee students" of "brutality" on the playground.
Takata airbag death
When a teenaged driver is killed by shrapnel from a faulty Takata airbag, it raises serious questions about the efficacy of the recall that was supposed to fix the problem.
Kentucky moonshine
A Kentucky moonshine-maker will have to summon his fighting spirit to fight for his spirit -- because the University of Kentucky says he can't use the name "Kentucky."
Part Three
Newfoundland seafood fire
There were no injuries today from the huge fire at a fish plant in Bay-de-Verde, Newfoundland. But the town itself was badly hurt -- because that plant employs seven hundred people when it's in full swing.
Canadian ultramarathoner
Here's a compass and a map. Now run 210 kilometres and I'll see you in three days. That's how the race called the Barkley Marathons works -- and tonight, a Canadian runner tells us what it's like to almost finish.
Portland pollution fight
An artisanal glass company was the pride of Portland for years -- until residents found out it was the source of carcinogenic fumes.