As It Happens - Monday Edition

Part One
End of Gawker
After 14 years of breaking news and cracking wise, is dead, killed by a lawsuit — and tonight, a former Gawker writer tells us what the site meant to him.
Cultural Heritage ICC
Ahmed al-Mahdi admits he's guilty of leading the Islamist destruction of Timbuktu's ancient shrines — but an investigator says al-Mahdi's crimes against women and girls can't be ignored.
Groin sniffing bear
A bear doesn't just do the one thing in the woods. You see, it did do that — but, a BC jogger's uncomfortably close encounter with a black bear also involved screaming on his part — and unwelcome groin-sniffing on the bear's part.
Part Two
Lou Pearlman obit
For a time in the 'nineties, the late Lou Pearlman sent multiple boy bands to the top of the charts — and our guest, who was in one of those bands, says he wouldn't wish Pearlman's guidance on anyone.
Bagpipe lung
The old joke is that a gentleman is someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn't. But the truth is that a healthy gentleman should show the same restraint — or face a genuinely dangerous condition called "bagpipe lung."