Red Hot Chilli Pipers, not Peppers: Man mistakenly buys girlfriend tickets to bagpipe concert

Even after they went to the concert on Saturday, Duncan Robb and his girlfriend don't know how the Red Hot Chili Peppers kick off a show.
But they do know how the concert they saw started — it probably went something like this:
To be fair, that's a pretty stellar medley of We Will Rock You and Eye of the Tiger. But it's certainly not the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
For one thing, it doesn't feature Flea doing neat stuff on the bass while Anthony Kiedis barks ridiculous sex nonsense. For another, there's one hundred percent more bagpipes in it.

Of course, the thing is, Robb didn't expect to see a concert by the Chilli Pipers in Belfast. He expected a concert by the Chili Peppers in Belfast. That's why he was so excited when he saw the tickets for sale so cheap before Christmas. He was even more excited that it would fall on the weekend before Valentine's Day.
"Kill two birds with one stone," as he romantically put it in an interview with ABC.

He and his girlfriend booked flights from the U.K. to Northern Ireland. And then, a few days before the concert, she asked who the opening band was.
They conducted some research on the computer and found no evidence that the Chili Peppers were playing in Belfast on Feb. 10.
Then they conducted some research by looking closely at their actual tickets. There it was: two pretty decent seats for the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.
They went anyway. And they had fun. Even if, beforehand, they probably had to give each other a pretty serious pipe talk.