As it Happens: Thursday Edition

Part One
Rape documentary banned in India
A British-made documentary about the gang rape of a woman in India can't be seen there -- and the president of the country's Supreme Court Bar Association explains why he supports the ban.
Langridge: Drapeau
They're getting a black-out. The parents of a Canadian soldier who took his own life are still fighting the military -- because a military complaints commission report will be made public, but DND`s response will be secret.
Newfoundland mayor
The mayor of a Newfoundland town responds to a New York Times Magazine article in which Karl Ove Knaussgaard calls his constituents "fat".
Part Two
Wilma Derksen on Supreme Court of Canada decision
Wilma Derksen hoped she could move on after the conviction of her daughter's killer -- but a new trial has dashed those hopes.
Governor General Medal for Bravery recipient
For rescuing a man from a burning car on the side of the highway, Jack Tyler will be awarded a Governor General's medal for bravery.
Part Three
Cheerleader follow-up
The Conservative Party uses terrorist threats about an attack on the West Edmonton Mall to drum up support for the government's anti-terror bill -- but even some conservatives are disturbed by the tactic.
Saskatchewan fire response agreement
Loon Lake volunteer fire chief and mayor Larry Heon says that his villiage will resume providing fire services to the nearby First Nation where two toddlers recently died.
Canadian pastor imprisoned in North Korea
A friend of a Canadian pastor arrested in North Korea says Reverend Lim may have run afoul of the authorities due to past ties Kim Jong-Un's uncle -- whom the young leader had executed -- or because of his Christian faith.