Vancouver cheese monger cool to Conservative Senator's cold Camembert expense claims

The Conservative Senator Nancy Ruth is being accused of self-entitlement after charging taxpayers to replace some of her airplane meals. She complained that she had been served "ice cold" Camembert and broken crackers for breakfast.
Senator Ruth described these meals as "awful" and to measure the awfulness we contacted Allison Spurrell, the co-owner of Les Amis du Fromage, in Vancouver. Spurrell agrees that Camambert should indeed be served at room temperature. 'When you cut into a Camembert" Suprrell says, "it should be a little bit runny on the inside, not pouring all over the plate, but a little bit soft and unctuous."
Still, Spurrell does not agree that the Senator was justified in billing taxpayers to replace her sub-standard Camembert. Spurrell points out that food regulations require refrigeration and, even if it isn't delicious, cold Camembert would still be nutritious. "Even though I'm the Cheese Lady, as my nice customers call me, I don't think I'm that sympathetic."