As It Happens: Thursday Edition

Part One
South Carolina shooting: follow-up
Former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder -- a murder a man named Mario Givens says could have been prevented, if the authorities had listened to him.
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW): Maisy Odjick
In the second part of our series on missing and murdered indigenous women, we'll speak with a woman whose daughter was sixteen when she disappeared in 2008.
Part Two
Alaska border curfew
Things were good between the Alaskan town of Hyder and the B.C. town of Stewart -- until Canadian border officials started locking the gate between the towns at night.
Sumo wrestler
Canadian Brodi Henderson becomes the only man from North America in Japan's sumo-wrestling league -- proving it's not just his topknot that's top-notch.
Goldfish lake
A Colorado aquatic biologist isn't sure what to do now that a handful of discarded pets have turned into an enormous thriving population in a nearby lake.
Part Three
Natuashish gas sniffing
Young people in the Innu community of Natuashish are once again sniffing gas, raising the question once again of how to help the young addicts.
CPP disability
Peter McClure has terminal cancer -- and he wants what he thinks he has coming to him: CPP disability benefits. But according to the Employment Minister, Mr. McClure has another thing coming.
Winnipeg photo radar
As Winnipeg breaks its own record for photo radar tickets, one traffic advocate says the drivers aren't to blame. He points instead to a the city's addiction to traffic ticket revenue.