As It Happens: Thursday Edition

Part One
Nova Scotia mentally incompetent: Landon
From inside a Halifax care facility, 25-year-old Landon Webb challenges Nova Scotia's Incompetent Persons Act in a bid to escape the guardianship of his mom and dad.
Spy puzzle
When the boffins at Britain's GCHQ spy agency send out a brain teaser in their Christmas card, we recruit New York Times Crossword agent extraordinaire Will Shortz.
Part Two
Scalia affirmative action
When a US Supreme Court Justice suggests Hispanics and African Americans might be better of at schools that are more their speed, one former student president is quick to accuse him of being way behind the times.
MMIW Thunder Bay police
Back in 1993, former Thunder Bay Police Board member Philip Edwards was met with contempt when he first called for an inquiry into Canada's missing and murdered indigenous women.
Part Three
Syringe medic
A US army medic who helped invent a military syringe for battle wounds says his civilian counterparts can now use it to save the lives of gunshot victims on American streets.
Jamaica gay laws
A Jamaican man steps forward to ask his country's top court to quash the colonial-era law that makes it a crime for him to make love to another man.