As It Happens, Thursday Edition

Part One
Assisted Dying bill
There are lots of caveats and conditions in the Liberal government's newly tabled assisted-death bill -- and tonight, Health Minister Jane Philpott responds to concerns from proponents and opponents.
Toronto imam
Toronto imam Abdullah Hakim Quick has publicly condemned ISIS -- and for that, and the crime of "defending Canada", the extremist group has announced that he's an "obligatory target".
Bat sound library
A new video of the girls abducted by Boko Haram two years ago has furious parents demanding immediate action from the Nigerian government.
Part Two
Supreme Court of Canada Métis ruling
Harry Daniels didn't live to see today's victory, but his son Gabriel speaks to us about the Supreme Court's ruling that Métis and non-status Indians are, in fact, indigenous people -- with all that that entails.
Women and race walking
The international athletics body allows women to take part in 50 km race-walking events for the first time -- and our guest is the race-walker who took steps to make that happen.
Part Three
Boko Haram video
A new video of the girls abducted by Boko Haram two years ago has furious parents demanding immediate action from the Nigerian government.
LEAP Manifesto: Avi Lewis
The LEAP Manifesto has been enthusiastically embraced by some people in the NDP -- and contemptuously criticized by others. Avi Lewis, co-author of the manifesto, tells us what the critics are getting wrong.