As It Happens - Thursday Edition

Part One
Phoenix pay problems
The payroll system called Phoenix shows no signs of rising from the ashes, as thousands of federal employees experience problems with their cheques -- or get no cheques at all.
Canadian weightlifter gold
In 2012, she won bronze -- but now that it turns out the medalists ahead of her were doping, Christine Girard may yet win the first-ever Canadian gold in weightlifting.
Shipwreck cheeses
Three-hundred-and-forty years after it sank in a Swedish warship, a cheese has been discovered in the Baltic Sea -- and it's so putrid even Davy Jones doesn't want it in his locker.
Part Two
Clinton ads: Bill Bogert
In 1964, a Republican actor starred in an ad, sharing his fears that the GOP had lost its way -- and in 2016, that same actor tells us how he ended up delivering that old message in a new commercial.
Mannequin thefts
Someone is breaking into stores in Belleville, Ontario -- but instead of taking money, the thief is only stealing female mannequins.