As It Happens: Thursday Edition

Part One
Hockey change rooms
He was just a guy who wanted to play hockey -- but it took years for this trans teen to convince Hockey Canada that its Ontario arenas should have trans-friendly change rooms.
Pot smoker
When a Canadian man tells border guards he's smoked pot before, he's barred from entering the U.S. -- and our guest's similar experience suggests you should just say no to admitting you've done the same.
Job and land workers
A Cape Breton store offers a job and free land to anyone willing to relocate -- and after sifting through more than two thousand applications, our guest is one of the lucky applicants.
Part Two
Snowden lawyer
In 2013, Canadian lawyer Robert Tibbo asked refugees to help hide Edward Snowden in Hong Kong until he could escape the country, and arrest -- and tonight, he'll tell us why.
Gander airport
Fifteen years ago, the people of Gander, Newfoundland, provided help and homes to stranded passengers on September 11th. Now, a New Yorker is headed to Gander -- with a piece of a World Trade Center.
Part Three
Contact lens
Good news for diabetics: a new contact lens developed by engineers at an Ontario university will send your blood sugar levels directly to your smartphone -- no pricking necessary.
India sedition: Gandhi
The grandson of Mohandas K. Gandhi says it's time for India to rid itself of the colonial-era "sedition" law that is now experiencing a comeback, under the Hindu-nationalist government of Norendra Modi.
Sixth taste discovered
First there was sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Then they discovered "umami". And now, scientists have discovered a sixth taste our mouths can register: "starchy".