Billy Joel admits he's to blame for Springsteen's busted motorcycle

This week, Billy Joel came forward and admitted he's to blame for Bruce Springteen's broken-down motorcycle. Earlier this month, As It Happens spoke with a New Jersey man who found the rockstar on the side of the road.
Dan Barkalow said Springsteen hopped on the back of his friend's bike. Then they went for beers. The Boss left when a ride came to go retrieve his motorcycle on the side of the road.
"He was a perfect gentleman the whole time. He's really nice — a really nice guy," Barkalow remembered.

Well, now we know who built that broken-down motorcycle. It was Billy Joel.
The 67-year-old singer says he built it in nearby Oyster Bay, Long Island. The audio isn't great, but here's the confession that came during a concert in New York on Monday:
"It was the one you built for me," grumbled Joel while imitating Springsteen on a phone call after the mishap.
Joel said he apologized to Springsteen. We're pretty sure all is forgiven.
For more on this story, listen to the original interview with Dan Barkalow here.