As It Happens: Tuesday Edition

Part One
Nepal relief
A young Nepalese woman tells us how she and her fellow survivors in Kathmandu are coordinating efforts to reach remote communities after the earthquake.
Nepal ambassador
"A crisis of unimaginable proportions." That's how Nepal's ambassador to Canada describes the aftermath and the challenges the government faces.
Baltimore protester
In Baltimore, rage over the death of an unarmed black man injured in police custody -- and years of police brutality against the black community -- leads to rioting, looting, and arson.
Part Two
Nazi trial follow-up
Eva Kor is a survivor of Auschwitz who recently travelled to Germany for the trial of a 93-year-old former SS guard, known as the Accountant of Auschwitz. She describes her unexpected encounter with the accused.
Honouring Vietnam Day
Canada passes a bill setting April 30th as a day to commemorate the arrival of Vietnamese refugees after the fall of Saigon -- but the Vietnamese government will not be celebrating.
Part Three
Reading: "Headscarves & Hymens"
When you call your book "Headscarves and Hymens", you obviously have something to say. And author Mona Eltahawy does: in a feature interview with Carol at the North York Public Library in Toronto, she explains why she believes the Middle East's next revolution should revolve around women's rights. Before their interview, Ms. Eltahawy read from her collection of essays.
"Headscarves & Hymens" feature interview
Ms. Eltahawy argues that the Arab Spring did nothing for women -- and that a sexual revolution must be sparked to secure gender equality.