As It Happens: Tuesday Edition

Part One
Langevin bridge
Hector-Louis Langevin was the architect of Canada's residential-school system -- so some believe it's time to change the name of a Calgary bridge named in his honour.
Sahara migrants
African migrants desperate to make their way to Europe often make a perilious crossing through the Sahara Desert -- and over the past two weeks, dozens have died on the way.
Japanese chalk
A mathematician explains why there's such a dust-up when a Japanese company stops manufacturing what's widely considered to be the greatest chalk on earth.
Part Two
Bashir: Goldstone
There's outrage after South Africa ignores an International Criminal Court warrant for the arrest of Sudanese president Omar al Bashir -- but South Africa's governing party is outraged about the ICC.
Moon jellyfish
Scientists are flabbergasted and overjoyed when they discover that moon jellyfish don't regrow missing appendages -- they just redistribute the remaining ones until they're symmetrical again.
Part Three
Jimmy Savile play
The late Jimmy Savile has been exposed as a serial sexual predator. So when a play based on him was announced in London, there was a lot of advance criticism. But the reviews have been largely positive -- and tonight, we'll speak with the playwright.
Grexit economist
"Grexit" is a cute portmanteau of the words "Greek" and "exit". But there's nothing cute about the looming threat of Greece being forced to leave the EU -- which is a distinct possibility, as time runs short for a successful resolution.
US military transgender
A transgendered doctor in the U.S. military shares her experiences transitioning to a woman, after the U.S. Army grants her request to do so.